Don't back yourself into a corner with STC's and part numbers
The Flightcell DZMx does not normally require a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) for an installation.
How much does SATCOM cost for Aircraft?
In this article we provide information on the different type of satellite equipment for aircraft, including their purchase price, operating costs, and the capabilities of each.
The Legalities of Cellular Communications from the Air
We sometimes get asked about the legality of using cellular technology from aircraft, particularly in the United States. This article discusses the history, the current regulations and the practicalities associated with it.
Commercial ADS-B Networks
Around the world, the ADS-B mandate is becoming ever-clearer: if you’re flying anything larger than the smallest and simplest aircraft, you must install it.
Time for a Change of Times
It is often said that there are only two ingredients necessary for powered flight—airspeed and money. Anyone who has flown a powered aircraft—fixed- or rotary-winged—knows there are two others that are equally essential: timekeeping and documentation.
Multi-rotor Aircraft - Fad or Future?
Ohio-based American Workhorse Group is a relative newcomer to the motor vehicle manufacturing business. It has been producing a range of commercial vehicles in the US since 1998 and new electrically powered commercial vehicles since 2015.
The Real Benefits of Onboard Connectivity
You’d have to look hard nowadays to find someone who isn’t regularly using WiFi or Bluetooth in everyday life—beyond the confines of a retirement home. Nevertheless, despite their prevalence everywhere else, they are still not yet commonplace for airborne operations.
Just Focus on the Flying
If you are involved with Helicopter Air Ambulances (HAA’s) in the USA there is a whole lot more to think about now. At the end of April an amendment to Part 135 (Subpart L—Helicopter Air Ambulance Equipment, Operations, and Training Requirements) came into force.
Maximising the Life of your Turbine Engine
Good data is all-important when it comes to maximising the life cycle of your aircraft's turbine engine. If full and correct cycle history is not documented adequately, life-limited rotables must be scrapped to guarantee safety—an extremely expensive shame in the case of parts that might otherwise have significant life left in them.
Heli-Expo 2017
Heli-Expo is a stunning showcase of the rotorcaft industry with a host of aircraft on display, new aircraft launches and glimpses into the future of the industry. This year it’s predicted that over 20,000 people will go through the doors of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas.